Halfway to a Century

It turns out I’m halfway to a century, which is my fancy way of saying this is my fiftieth blog post on Katie Writes Stuff – welcome and huzzah!  In my past blogging adventures, I’ve always managed to miss monumental blogging milestones, but WordPress comes with a handy dashboard with interesting details such as how many spam comments you have and graphs of five hundred people visiting your site because you mentioned the word ‘wedding’ in a post title.

So here we are at fifty and what a journey it’s been.  I’ve rambled on about everything from roadtrips to television to the occasional mention of making things by hand.  And by ‘occasional’ I obviously mean ‘with every waking breath’.  And I may have mentioned op shops from time to time, too.

One thing I may not have mentioned is my love of stats, details and graphs, but we’re going to learn about them now as we recap what’s been happening on this blog over the first fifty posts.  Firstly, let’s start with a good old standby: the top [insert number here]!  (We’ll go with ‘five’.)

Top Five Posts

A Quick Guide to Giving up Clothes Shopping

Thanks, I Made it Myself!

To Thine Own Self be True

A New Baby… Camera

The Handmade Present Dilemma

What can we conclude from this, if anything?  Clearly, people enjoy reading thinky posts as well as the ones about making your own things.  They’re also very interested in my newish little camera and do not like clothes shopping.  Huzzah for that!  I still don’t like clothes shopping.  In fact, I’ve been putting off buying new undies for ages, despite the fact that some of them have more holes than are strictly necessary for your average pair of underpants.  Part of me feels I should just get in there and make my own but the other part of me is still a little wary of sewing with stretch fabrics.  I expect this wariness will wither away once my undies are more hole than fabric.

Well this has just added a whole new level of class to my blog.

Top Time to Comment

Let’s leave the talk of underwear for another time and return to the task at hand: vaguely interesting statistics.  Thanks to the stats page, I’ve learnt that the most popular time for leaving a comment is 10pm, which I believe to be a perfectly reasonable hour of the day (or night, rather) for reading and commenting on blogs.  That’s 10pm my time, of course, meaning it’s probably an ordinary daytime hour for international commenters.  Either way, if any local people happen to be leaving a comment at 10pm, you can now do so knowing you’re in good company and following in a fine tradition.

Top Search Terms

We now come to everybody’s favourite section: search terms.  Second from the top (the top being the name of the blog) we have ‘the failboats austrailia’.  Dodgy spelling aside, I’m pretty happy with that one.  Come to me for all your Failboats news!  I’m also all about the third search term, which is ‘writing stuff about things’.  Boy do I ever write stuff about things.  I hope whoever ended up on my blog as a result of that one was happy with what they found.  Others are pretty self-explanatory, such as ‘is there a good micro four camera as good as my old canon 600d for image quality’, which earns points for its specificity.  My favourite would have to be ‘calendar hanging in toilet’ because we all know I have one of these but also because I can’t imagine why anyone would need to search such a phrase.  Were they checking to see if it’s OK to have a calendar in the loo?  Browsing for acceptable toilet calendar topics?  We may never know.

Six months in and fifty posts later, I’m so glad I made the decision to return to blogging (which you can read all about here, if you haven’t already).  The blog has provided me with the opportunity to have fun with words and to get my camera out a lot more often, but it wouldn’t be half as enjoyable without the lovely people I’ve met, or with whom I’ve reconnected, over the past fifty posts.  Thanks for coming on board and not minding too much when I squee about scrappy old bits of paper I find in op shops.  Here’s to another fifty posts… and more!





20 responses to “Halfway to a Century”

  1. Beth Avatar

    Great post! Your stats are interesting! I get a lot of unknown search terms which is annoying as I want to be nosey haha


    1. Katie Writes Stuff Avatar

      Thanks! The vast majority of my search terms are listed as ‘unknown’, too – something to do with Google not wanting to give away all its secrets. It’s a huge shame as I’d love to be nosey, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Alexie RicRac (@alexiericrac) Avatar

    Oooo this is very interesting! Happy fiftieth post, too!!


    1. Katie Writes Stuff Avatar

      Thank-you! It was fun to have a look back at the past fifty posts.


    1. Katie Writes Stuff Avatar

      Thanks! I need to get started on reaching my hundredth now.


  3. Trey Avatar

    Congrats! Though for a second, I thought you were talking about your age, not the number of blog posts…


    1. Katie Writes Stuff Avatar

      Thanks! I look great for fifty. 😀


  4. Bonita Vear (@bjvear) Avatar

    Great round up post and congrats on hitting the 50 mark! Yay! ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill


    1. Katie Writes Stuff Avatar

      Thank-you! I’m looking forward to reaching my century now. 🙂


  5. leeyongsoo Avatar

    I quickly glanced at that heading and thought YOU were turning 50 and I was thinking wow, she really doesn’t look that old… hehe… love your interpretation of stats. Maybe I need to write about calendars in the loo to get my numbers up!


    1. Katie Writes Stuff Avatar

      It’s all about bathroom calendars here! It’s also good to know I’m not alone in feeling that a calendar is a necessary addition to the loo. 😀


  6. Linda of Nice dress! Thanks, I made it!! Avatar

    Cheers! I love it “writing stuff about things”! I love reading the search terms that led to my blog. Some of them are really funny variations of my title (nice words about dress, for example). Well I hope you enjoy writing because I enjoy reading! And yes, I first thought – She’s 50! Damn she looks good!


    1. Katie Writes Stuff Avatar

      My mother-in-law likes to tell people she’s a decade older than she actually is so they’re all impressed at how relatively young she looks. There may be something in that.

      Search terms are so much fun to examine, although Google apparently holds back on sharing a lot of them. It’s interesting to see how people phrase their searches, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. hashigal Avatar

    Happy Golden Posting Anniversary!

    And would you believe that when I was a kid my mother used to do that same as your MiL? She’d only add 5 years, but if you’re rude enough to ask a grown woman how old she is you deserve a little garden path style detour. It wasn’t until years later that I realised why she did. (Yes, we’re certainly quick on the uptake.)

    Anyway, getting to my actual comment, Make Bra has a knickers pattern you might like: http://www.makebra.com/products-page/brief-pattern/

    Although I prefer the options on offer by Kwiksew (but you might not have a Spotlight/pattern selling place nearby): http://kwiksew.mccall.com/k3881-products-20414.php?page_id=5564

    The point being, you might find making undies less horrifying than going out to buy them (I concur re: clothes shopping…and have a rather slapdash approach to it; I either buy online – joys of being 6 inches taller than most people – or walk into places like target and look for shirts that are vaguely ok, then hold them up to me and if they look like they’ll go on without the need for corsetry and they’re cheap, we’re done.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Katie Writes Stuff Avatar

      The Chef employs a very similar approach to clothes shopping. If it looks like it’ll fit, it should, right? There’s no denying it’s a quick way to shop!

      Thanks for the links to the undies patterns! I’ve been looking for Kwik Sew patterns in op shops because I had no idea they still made them. It just so happens I have a Spotlight down the road, so I may have to drop by there some time this week, before the hole situation worsens.


  8. Lauren Avatar

    Oh this is amazing. I love that WordPress gives you that much information. Hoping (I’m quite new to this myself) that Blogger does the same for me down the track. I’m know I’m guilty of the occasional weird search term but some of these take it to the next level. Congrats on reaching your fiftieth post. I look forward to reading on 🙂


    1. Katie Writes Stuff Avatar

      Thanks! It was great to have an excuse to look through the stats section. I have to admit that my favourite stat was the one listing the most popular time to comment, mostly because I thought it was quite an odd thing to record. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. 🙂 I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog and of your op shopping adventures.


  9. Take Me Back Tuesdays: The First One | Katie Writes Stuff Avatar

    […] morning, afternoon or evening!  Actually, who am I kidding?  I already know you’re reading this at 10pm, thanks to the details revealed by my stats recently.  Good 10pm, everyone, and welcome to a brand […]


  10. […] morning, afternoon or evening!  Actually, who am I kidding?  I already know you’re reading this at 10pm, thanks to the details revealed by my stats recently.  Good 10pm, everyone, and welcome to a brand […]


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